Sunday, 31 March 2024

Exceptional Attitude Award for Brandon and NO Prom for Josh!

Brandon has been absolutely outstanding at school this term and even though it is a year+ until his GSCE's he is already putting in the extra work. I know my English isn't the best, but Brandon has been doing loads of extra work at home and when he asks me to proof read it for him it kind of blows my mind. The level of vocabulary he is using is really advanced and according to his parents evening he will definitely be pushing the higher end of the GSCE grades (unlike his older brother). 

Talk about two completely different kids. So Brandon brings home a certificate from the head of English for exceptional attitude to learning and Joshua just keeps bring home the detentions and is still on report. Josh just doesn't get it and is scraping by with the absolute minimum he can get by with and it worries me that he might lose out on his college place if he doesn't get his grades. 

Josh was advised at the start of this year that if his attitude to learning and discipline results did not improve then he would not get an invite to the end of year prom. Well earlier this week I got the notification from the school that he hasn't made significant improvement and now won't be invited to the prom. Joshua wasn't interested in going anyway, but I have told him that's not the point as he didn't have the choice to go. I actually feel upset for him and very disappointed as I think this is something he will regret later in life. It is a great way to finish off your schooling, celebrate the end of the exams and arguably the last time you will see a lot of your school mates!

Super proud of Brandon getting recognition by head of English for exceptional attitude to learning.

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