Saturday 2 March 2024

Another Great Week of Football for Holly

Holly has had an outstanding week of football this week. Despite the weather being wet, windy and cold she was selected for the school football team and played other Wickford School Teams over the Grange on Thursday evening in the girls 1st football festival. Bless her she was so cold and wet when the tournament was over and couldn't wait to get home and get a nice warm bath.

Then today she went training with her Academy Sunday League team and has been awarded the player of the week again. As if that wasn't enough she was also Star of the Day at school yesterday for her outstanding math's work. So a good week all round for Holly.

Holly in the school news letter again for being in the school football team. Holly is in the yellow top as she was goal keeper.

And then she gets player of the week from her Academy team as well.

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