Tina did absolutely amazing considering the size of the baby and the fact that her only pain relief was gas and air, plus the tens machine. It is heart wrenching to watch someone you love so much be in so much pain and to be so helpless at the same time. I may think I am big and tough but it brought me to tears and I can say hand on heart that there is no way I could have gone through what she did in the early hours of this morning.
Tina started getting contractions around 3pm on the 17th and her waters broke at around 4:15pm. By 5:15pm we were at the hospital and she was having extremely painful contractions every couple of minutes. So in total she was in labour for a good 8 hours plus. There were a few complications towards the end of the delivery due to Joshua's size and I am sure Mum will be very sore for sometime.
Joshua can consider himself to be an extremely lucky baby because it turned out the poor lad had a massive knot in his chord. If it wasn't for some drastic and fast acting measures taken by a wonderful midwife there would have been a high possibility of the knot tightening up during the delivery and potential being fatal for Joshua. That midwife earned every penny of her money last night. To make things even worse Joshua had also swallowed some meconium which made him a little sick (you will be pleased to hear that the first person he was sick all over was his DAD! - bless).
Anyway all is well now. Joshua seems very content and loves being handled and cuddled. Tina is recovering well although extremely tired. All being well the mother and baby will be able to come home tomorrow. Lots more pictures to follow............
Congratulations Tina and Jason on our beautiful grandson. Good luck and Good health to all 3 of you. Hiya Joshua Jason King. Love nanny and Grandad xxxxxxxxx
Well hello Joshua! It is fantastic to meet you at last! Well done to mum & dad, they have done a brilliant job as you are such a gorgeous baby. May you all look forward to a long, healthy & joyous future together. We are all so proud of you all & so excited.
All our best wishes & lots more!
Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful baby boy, it was an absolute pleasure to finally meet you JJ. We wish you all the world and look forward to all the fantastic times we will share with you in the future.
We are so pround of you all and chuffed to bits that you are now a family, well done Mummy and Daddy.
All our love Auntie Lisa, Uncle David and Cous Matt x x x
Congratulations to my wonderful sister and brother-in-law! We are all so very pleased for you to finally have Joshua in your arms at last! He is a gorgeous bouncing baby and we wish you all the very best. Mia-Rose can not wait to see her very 1st cousin. He will bring you so much happiness and a lot of sleepless nights but it's all worth it in the end. See you over the weekend! Love Aunty Shahinah, Uncle Daniel and cousin Mia-Rose.xxxxxxxxxxx
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