Since the weekend's weather was so beautiful I decided to give the old Corvette some TLC with a nice clean and polish. After finishing the car it was the ideal opportunity to give Joshua his first experience in some American Muscle. So here are some memorable photo's of some Little English Muscles in some big American Muscle!
"Now this is what I call a proper baby walker!"

"Hummm, what do all them buttons do?"

"Now just how do I reach the steering wheel and pedals from here?"

"And I've got just about no chance of seeing out of the windowscreen"

"Dad, I am confused and need some help"

"Have you got a booster seat for me?"

"Oh I give up, I think I'll just chill out on the bonnet and catch some rays until Dad gets back!".

"Now that this bonnet is polished it would make a really good slide, I wonder if Dad would tell me off if he catches me????"

Its time we have a father and son talk about respecting another mans vehicle (Transporter 2 - for those that have seen the movie)!!!