Monday, 18 February 2008

4 Months Old

Yep, how quickly the time has gone, Joshua is 4 months old already. Today he went to the health clinic for another weigh-in and topped the scales at 14lb 5oz, thats an increase of 6oz from two weeks ago. The health visitor said the slower weight gain is normal as Joshua starts to become more active. She also said that it is too early for him to start on solids yet (so we decided not to tell her that he had already started!). Today Joshua has enjoyed yet another two servings of his baby rice. It is too early to see of it will help his sleep just yet, last night was no better as he still woke at 3am for another feed.
It would appear that young Joshua is also becoming a bit of a ladies man already. I forgot to mention on here that he received his first valentines card this year (Mummy was not impressed). Who could it be????? I wonder...........

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