Another first last weekend. After Joshua had gone to bed I had a rare lads night out to go and watch the new Rambo film. I had heard all the stories in the papers and the news about just how violent this final episode of the Rambo story was, but I have to admit that the level of violence was on a whole new level and was extremely graphic from the start to the end. Anyway I suppose you wondering why I am writing about Rambo on Joshua's blog. Well the weird thing was that this is the first time I have ever watched a movie and all I could think about is "there is no way in hell I would ever let my son watch a film like this!". It made me realise that I am really starting to adapt to being a responsible parent by already being aware of censoring and protecting Joshua as much as possible (so no Rambo for you buddy, but you can still listen to Scuzz with Daddy - after all they blank out the bad words!).
So that was a new first experience for me. The new first for Joshua is that he has reached a new milestone with the dirty nappies. Since the introduction of baby rice his poo has changed from korma yellow to camo green (and boy does it stink).
Humm, do I suck on my thumb, the teether, or both. So many decisions to be made in a babies life.

Still smiling even after the nasty nurse gave me 3 more jabs this week.
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