Sunday, 10 February 2008

Year of the Rat

Well as you all know last week was Chinese New Year and the start of "Year of the Rat". Joshua had the pleasure of meeting a Chinese dragon in town on Saturday and having his eardrums tested by the rather loud drums (fingers crossed that will be the last of his encounters with drums - so no drum kits for b'day/xmas presents please!). Anyway here is the little dude with the Dragon.
And here are a few more recent pictures of Joshua......

Joshua seems to like watching Scooby Doo in bed first thing in the morning...... I can see in the near future many hunts searching the house for missing remote controls.

1 comment:

kismet said...

Hey man well done you are very brave not being scared of the big dragon, but then you are used to me!
Well done on the rolling over on your own, you will soon be running us all ragged. Not long now till you get your first proper tucker, hope you enjoy that too. love nanny and grandad xxxxx