Thursday 8 January 2009

J2 35 Week Scan

Today we went to the hospital for a 35 week scan of baby J2 just to check whether the baby is breached and also to check on the growth. Since Joshua was fairly big at 9lb 4oz there was a concern that J2 might also be a big baby. Well the good news is the baby is in the correct head down position and the even better news (especially for Tina) is that the baby is average size. By the sonographers estimation the current weight is 5lb 7oz. Obviously the baby will grow a lot more in the next 4 weeks and will put on more weight. But personally I would be surprised if J2 makes it much above 8lb (I could be wrong). Anyway it was very good to see the little bubba again, only 37 more days and we can meet in person rather than these black and white pictures/screen shots!!!!

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