Thursday 15 January 2009

What a poser!!!

This week Joshua's nursery have been slowly trying to phase him out of the baby room and into the next "bigger boys and girls room". So far it is going really well and today they took him in there from about 3 o'clock and he stayed in there right up until I picked him up to go swimming. He even ate his tea in the new classroom with all his new friends. This must be so strange for him to be in a new room with loads of new bigger children around him. But he is adapting well and was very happy and full of beans when he saw me arrive.

For today's picture update I have attempted to scan in a few of the pictures taken at last Saturday PixiFoto shoot. They are not the best of quality as they are scanned from an A4 print out. In a couple of weeks time we will have a few originals which we ordered and they will be much better quality. So if anyone would like any of the pics then just let me know.

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