Tuesday, 27 January 2009

J2 Update - Waters broken

Well could this be the very last blog update before this blog is updated to accommodate Joshua's little brother or sister? Yes ignore the 18days shown on the countdown. For those that do not know Tina's waters broke in the early hours of Monday morning and we have been back and forth to the hospital ever since. A few contractions here and there but no real signs yet. It might be tonight, who knows? If not we are back down the assessment centre tomorrow and nothing still happens then Tina will be induced early Thursday morning. So one way or the other, J2 will be with us all before the end of the week. Needless to say its panic stations here trying to dig out all the old baby stuff and get everything ready for the arrival.

I guess one thing that this whole experience is demonstrating is just how different each pregnancy is. With Joshua it was a case of Tina's waters broke, the contractions started and then bish, bash, bosh............10 hours later a little mini-me arrived. In this case we are now not far off of 2 days into the labour process and no signs of J2 making an appearance just yet. Can't say that I blame the little one really with the appalling weather we have at the moment.

Anyway lets not forget little Joshua. Here is a nice picture of Mum tickling his back. It would appear the little guy has a very sensitive back (just like his Dad) and often rolls over onto his belly just to have his back stroked. He will quite happily sit in this position for ages and even have a little snooze. Wouldn't it be great if life was this simple and you could just forget about work, the recession, paying bills etc and just be pampered all day!

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