Tuesday 14 July 2009

Chunkier Monkey

Brandon got weighed again on Monday and we can confirm that he is now an even chunkier monkey. The not so little chappy has put on over a pound in 2 weeks, now weighing 14lb 11oz. Now that he is eating proper food his weight is just rocketing unlike Joshua who was 3 steps forward, 1 step backwards. Anyway he is a picture of Brandon when he is most happy - i.e. with a spoon full of food in his mouth.

We also had the pleasure of our first ever parents evening at Joshua's nursery yesterday. It was good to hear that he is developing well and that they have no concerns with him. He is playing with the other children really well and has made some good friends there - which he often seems to get up to mischief with!!! Its really funny to read through some of the comments in his development book.

Here are a few nice snaps I took at dinner time tonight playing around with the macro settings on the camera.

This is supposed to be Joshua's mean and nasty face!!!

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