After the excitement of Basfest yesterday it was time to get back to nature today for a bit of downtime. So we had a nice pleasant walk through the nature reserve at Hanningfield reservoir.

These pictures were taken in one of the nature observation lodges overlooking the reservoir. Plenty of birds for Joshua to watch.

Even Brandon stayed awake for the trip and got to have a good look around.

Me and the boys................

Tina attempting to get Joshua out of the hut.
I have been trying to teach Joshua to jump for some time now. He is slowly getting the concept. Here he is getting ready to launch into one (or is he just squatting down for an outdoor dump) - you decide!.

Wow that was a big jump. 2012 long jump Olympics here we come.

To end this blog update here are a few nice pictures of the two boys together in Brandon's cot. They do have some lovely moments together and it is really great to see them interacting. Brandon just looks so frustrated at times as he see's Josh doing things and you can almost see that he just wants to join in. And Joshua equally looks as frustrated at times as he does not understand why Brandon will not do some of the things he can.

Poor Brandon does get pulled around a bit. But he is a tough little cookie and often just puts up with what ever his brother dishes out. I think Brandon is going to be a lot tougher than Joshua. His temperament is certainly calmer and more laid back. Joshua is the full on in your face character and Brandon is more the chill out and watch the world go by......
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