Saturday 11 July 2009

Fear Factor

Not much to report in today. Brandon is still eating really really well and sleeping even better. Last night he had his dream feed and then didn't awake until around 7am.

Anyway heard of the program Fear Factor? Check out the look on the two boys faces as they embark upon their first dual ride in the bike trailer with Dad at the helm. Clearly they know what my driving is like and expect the same on the bike.............

For Brandon's side of the trailer I had to modify the chair a bit with supports from his car chair. But he seemed more than happy as I took him for a quick spin around to the local shops and park with Joshua. We haven't found a cycle helmet that fits his little head just yet though!

Also we managed to seat Brandon in a swing for the first time. So here is a nice shot of both the boys on the swings at the same time.

And here is Brandon in training for ToughGuy 2009 learning hos to traverse the cargo nets.

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