Before I get into the blog update on Joshua's first ever school sports day, a quick update on the Bubby (Bubby is the boys pet name for the new baby!). Anyway Tina had a midwife appointment today (smack bang in the middle of the sports day events) and I am pleased to confirm all is well with mother and baby. We now have the first sound recording of the little babies heart pumping away at around 150 bpm. Tina is now into her 17th week of pregnancy and it is estimated that the baby weighs around 140g and is now 11cm from crown to rump.
Other updates for this week are that Tina attended Brandon's open evening at Abacus school last night to meet and greet the teachers. She also had to fill in various forms regarding what he can and can't do, what he likes and dislikes, how he interacts with other children etc.etc. Brandon has also been given his first piece of Abacus homework despite not even officially starting until September.
So onto the school sports day. The sun shone and we had a wonderful morning over the school field watching the foundation and key stage 1 & 2 pupils participate in their annual sports day event. Afterwards the children were then allowed to have a picnic with their friends and family before heading back into school for the afternoon.
To start the proceedings each class had prepared a banner and then they all walked a lap of the track almost like an opening ceremony,
Joshua on his opening ceremony lap, just behind his pregnant teach, Miss Goldsmith. |
So after a short wait Joshua is on the start line and raring to go on his first event - the egg and spoon race. Prior to today he gave us no clue what events he was in which meant that I didn't really have time to help him and do some extra training. We have a toy egg and spoon race set so we could have had some good fun training for this.
Joshua on the start line eyeing up his competition. |
Clearly Joshua needed no additional coaching from me as he storms across the line in first place and didn't drop his egg once! |
Receiving his medal at the finish line. |
Joshua proudly takes centre spot on the podium with his gold medal. |
It was very emotional watching Joshua on his first sports day and especially winning a race. Tina had a little weepy moment but put it down to hormones with being pregnant, yeh right! So with one medal in the bag, the question was could he do a Mo Farah and take the double. His next event was one of the last of the day and was the distance run.
So back in the start line as Joshua prepares for his long distance race. |
And he is off, full sprint at the start taking the outside lane of the track. |
Joshua took a wide line on the first bend and never really recovered to the fast little Jayden who led from start to finish. However in the closing 10m Jayden pulled up whilst Joshua had his eyes firmly fixed on the prize. I might be biased but in my opinion Jayden pulled up too early and the video shows that it was probably a draw for 1st place, maybe even Joshua touching the line first. However Joshua was awarded a very good 2nd place.
Jayden starts to pull up early as Joshua storms through the final 10m. |
Joshua proudly displaying his second medal of the day with Mummy. |
The three medal winners from the distance race and Joshua's second visit to the podium in as many races. |
Overall I could not be more prouder of Joshua. Being a very competitive sports person myself, I am very keen for both the boys to do well in sport and he certainly exceeded expectations for his first ever sports day. I know that they all say it's the taking part the counts and having fun, but it is also important that kids learn to win and lose and learn how to be competitive. Roll on next year when we will have Joshua and Brandon racing on the sports day (and Bubby will be born and spectating!).