We have had a 3D TV for some time now and as with most people that have 3D at home it hardly gets any use at all. With SkyHD we get the sole 3D channel free of charge but rarely ever use it. However yesterday Madagascar 3 in 3D was Premiering on Sky so this was an ideal opportunity for the boys to experience some 3D. I think Joshua made a comment like, "It looks like they are in the living room" - so obviously the 3D is effective.
Joshua and Brandon settle down for some 3D movie time. |
This was the first weekend in what seems a very long time that we actually had very little planned and lots of free time over the weekend. So it was nice to dust off some of the boys older toys that are tucked away and not often used. Also I made some chocolate lollies with the boys, but most important of all I taught them the valuable life skill of how to shrink a crisp packet in the oven!
Anyone for shrunk Quavers or French Fries? |
Today was also Fathers Day and as such I was woken at about 6:20 this morning with Joshua saying "Happy Fathers Day" and shoving a present bag and card under my nose. The boys spoilt their Daddy with a new wallet, a UFC Team UK t-shirt, two Dad mugs with cookie and a "Top Dad" Balloon. The cookie mugs were made at school and Joshua hand decorated these. Although you would never guess that they were a present for me as by about 9.30am this morning they were both tucking into the cookies without sharing the love!
Joshua and Little B chomping down the Fathers Day cookies. |
Anyone who knows me will know that anything physical and I am there. I pretty much love all sports and all challenges and as such I try to encourage the boys to be as active as possible. However my Fathers Day morning was spent sitting over the Wick Lake with toy fishing rods as the boys wanted to do some fishing. Now fishing just really isn't my cup of tea and even more so when you know you are doing it with 2ft long plastic rods with bread on the end - so more chance of being struck by lighting than catching a fish. But the boys enjoyed themselves and we all get a little wet and muddy.
Joshua and Brandon patiently waiting for their first catch (in reality all we achieved was feeding the geese!). |
At least the boys enjoyed themselves and it was a nice morning to chill out by the lake. |
Brandon reeling in thinking that he had a catch. |
And how cool is this, not only did I get a Fathers Day card from Joshua and Brandon, but "the bump" aka "bubba" also got me a card! I didn't even know you could get Fathers Day cards from the bump!
Lets hope I live up to Bubba's expectation of me being the best Dad in the world. |
After fishing and then nearly sinking Joshua's radio controlled boat we headed home to clean our bikes up ready for a ride. One of my objectives for 2013 is to get Brandon cycling without stabilisers and to start the process I have been using the balance buddy with him for the last few weeks. However today I thought it was time to introduce him to the Trail Gator and he absolutely loved it. His little Lightning McQueen bike is probably a tad small for a Trail Gator but it works fine and is very safe. Today we did a few test loops around the block and Brandon thoroughly enjoyed himself and wants to go out on a different route tomorrow. I think Ill take him on the 3 mile Wick Loop and see if Joshua can cycle all the way around on his own.
Trail Gator all set-up and Brandon ready for his test ride. |
And we are off........... |
Joshua was following closely behind in his hi-vis jacket to make sure his little bro was OK. |
Evil Knevil Brandon riding along doing a wheelie. |
2 laps around the block today, 3 mile Wick loop tomorrow. |
To finish Fathers Day the boys and Tina took me out for dinner over their favourite little jaunt, The Quays. So a nice meal and a beer to finish off a relatively chilled weekend. Perfect.
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