Well today was the hottest day of the year so far and for once we had a almost free day with no kids clubs to attend. So we made a bit of a spontaneous trip down to Leysdown in the Isle Of Sheppey to see the boys Nan and Grandad at their Chalet and to have some beach time. It was a nice surprise for the boys to also find Mia there giving them someone else to play with at the beach.
Brandon and Mia digging for cockles, razor clams and crabs. |
I took the 3 kids on what seemed like about a mile long walk across the beach to get to the sea (the tide was out!). So Tina sat on the beach with Dad and Diane and we all headed off to get wet and muddy.
Joshua and Mia stripped off to have a little splash in the rather warm sea. |
Brandon joined in but didn't want to strip his clothes off. |
Brandon about to try and soak Mia. |
Brandon pointing out that the tide is coming in and it was time for our long walk back to shore. |
A final picture of the three of them before heading back with our buckets full of cockles and crabs. |
Joshua found a live crab which he insisted on bringing home in a bucket! So the crab (which to date he has not named) is now living in our old fish tank in the back garden. So before going to bed he gave his crab a little bit of ham for dinner.
Meet Joshua's new pet crab! |
Mia, Joshua and Brandon outside their Nanny and Granddad's chalet. |
All of us having a little family piccy outside the chalet. |
After lunch Mia took the boys off for a little walk around the site and to the park. We then went over to the play area to fly Mia's kite.
Joshua chasing the kite as Mia and Brandon change over holding the string. |
Joshua ready for the next kite launch. |
And it is up, up and away. |
We was actually having a great time and a really nice relaxing day in the sun. The plan was to leave around 4pm, head back and stop off in the swimming pool at the David Lloyd before heading over to the Sporting Village for the boys to attend a gymnastics birthday party. That was until at 3.30pm Tina found out the party was at 4.30pm and not 6pm!!! Doh. So the journey home is a min. 1 hour and we finally set-off at 3:37!! Stig style driving at nearly 80mph all the way home and we make it to the Sporting Village only 5 mins late. Phew.
The party was amazing. This was the first gymnastics party I have been too and the facility is absolutely stunning and what a great idea for a kids party. I am not sure who was having as much fun, me or the boys! I wish they had gymnastics party's like this when I was a kid. Roll on next Saturday when I get to take the boys back here for another party! Even better, Joshua has decided he wants his birthday party there this year.
Brandon climbing out of one of the safety landing pits. |
Little B was running up and down the whole session, charging up the runways and leaping into the pits. |
Joshua in a landing pit. |
Brandon about to launch himself off a springboard. |
Brandon on a balance beam, he even did the high beam in the background. |
This picture is a bit dark, put check out Joshua hanging around on the high rings. |
Then plummeting to earth landing on a crash mat. |
You have got to love this picture of Joshua in a landing pit. This sponge filled pits are amazingly comfortable to just lay in. |
Joshua demonstrating good balance. |
How cool is this, a long trampoline type runway to practise jumps, spins, bum bounces etc. |
Brandon launched off of the spring board and Joshua waiting to leap off the high horse. |
Joshua trying his hardest to pull himself up on the parallel bars. |
I may be 41 but I can still show the kids a trick or two as I climb the rope. |
Little B on the parallel bars. |
It was the hottest day of the year and the gym was not exactly cool inside. With god knows how many kids charging around exercising it wasn't getting any cooler. But the boys were allowed to go topless to cool down and it didn't take Joshua and Brandon long to strip off.
Joshua on the rings. |
At the end of the party all the kids have some chill time and lay down to take some deep breaths. There is just one or two very red faces there! |
All the children at the end of the party (most of blue class and a few more). |
So the end to another really great weekend and tomorrow it is back to school and work. The boys were absolutely shattered after their long day, so to finish it was a quick dinner in McDonald's (they easily burned off the calories at gymnastics) and then home for a refreshing shower and a late bedtime of 8pm. I think we will have two very tired boys at school tomorrow!
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