Wednesday 3 July 2013

Blue Class for Brandon

Brandon now enters into his very last month at nursery and then he has August off to relax in preparation for starting his Foundation year in September. Earlier this week he received the good news that he will be in “Blue” class like Joshua was this year. It was 50:50 between blue and pink class and Brandon definitely wanted blue – so that was a relief. However although Brandon is in Blue class he will not be taught by Miss Goldsmith (current Blue class Foundation teacher) as she is leaving to have a baby herself, so instead Brandon’s first teacher will be Mrs Lee. On Friday this week he has his first little 1 hour induction class in his new school, so that will be exciting for him. The nursery have also been preparing him for PE classes by running PE lessons weekly and making the pre-schooler’s take in a PE kit to change into.

On the subject of babies we now have only 2-3 weeks until the 20 week scan on baby NR.3 and the big question on everyone’s lips is – “do you find out the sex of the baby?” I am one of the few people who can say they have experienced both options as I chose to find out with Joshua, but then did not find out with Brandon. I am not really sure which I preferred if either, with Joshua it was nice to get the surprise early at 20 weeks and it helped to bond with the baby and imagine how he will fit in with your lifestyle. With Brandon I can honestly say that the whole birth experience is such a huge emotional occasion that the surprise of a boy or girl is somewhat suppressed with everything else that is going on. Anyway 3rd time around and I really have no preference, boy or girl, and to be honest I am not desperate to find out either. So does democracy rule and am I outnumbered 3:1 or do I stick to my guns and not find out? For sure Brandon cannot keep a secret, so three of us finding out and me not isn’t really an option.

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