So today was Joshua's last day of school in his foundation year and a bit of an emotional day for a lot of the Mum's and for the teachers. In particular for Miss Goldsmith (Joshua's main teacher) who now leaves for maternity leave. She seemed to really enjoy the send off that the kids all gave her and all he lovely presents. She very kindly brought all the kids a little present plus a card and a photo which was a lovely touch (I don't recall my teachers ever buying me gifts or cards at the end of a year!).
Joshua wearing his foundation year mortar board. |
Miss Goldsmith and her teaching assistants opening their presents from the blue class. |
Farewell to blue class of 2013. |
Tonight Little B let his big cousin Matt style his hair for him. Who would have thought this given that four years ago the shear sight of Matt would bring the little guy to tears. Now he goes running off to his cousins room to get his hair styled and gelled!
Handsome Little B with his newly styled hair. |
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