Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Joshua's Foundation Stage Report 2012-2013

Last Friday Brandon had his morning introduction session at Abacus Primary School and I am pleased to report that he absolutely loved it. He was that keen he wanted to wear his school uniform already, but Tina talked him into just wearing his Abacus PE T-shirt. His new teacher, Mrs Lee, seems really nice and tomorrow afternoon/evening we have a parents evening where we can go and meet the new teachers and T.A's.
Joshua has received his end of year school report for his foundation year are we are extremely proud of him. His attendance record was an impressive 98% only having 1 day off sick and 3 days holiday which was when we took him out of school to go to Lapland. Within the prime areas of learning and development Joshua was rated as "expected" for "making relationships", "managing feelings and behaviour" and for "learning and attention". But then he got an "Exceeded" rating for "Self confidence and self awareness", "Understanding", and "speaking".

For the specific areas Joshua was rated as "Expected" for "reading", "writing", "shape, space and measure", "exploring and using media & materials" and "being imaginative". Then he was again rated as "Exceeded" for "numbers", "people and communities", "the world" and "technology". So again all expected or exceeding with no areas marked as emerging.

There are lots of comments in the report relating to Joshua's self confidence and maturity which is really nice to read. I also take great pride in the comment "He has had lots of positive experiences outside of school which has enabled him to be an independent learner in class". I take this comment as a direct reflection on a lot of the effort and time which I put into the children when either not at work or sleeping.

Joshua's final comments from his teacher and head teacher are very encouraging. Wise beyond his years!!!! I am particularly proud of the comment regarding him being a thoughtful friend to one or two children with whom he has developed a close bond. I know one of these children has cerebral palsy and at the start of term Joshua was having some difficulties coming to terms with his condition which we think is partly to do with what Joshua was experiencing outside of school with his Nan and Granddad's medical conditions. It is amazing that he has overcome these issues and has now become best friends with this person.

So the big question is just how much is this good school report going to cost me??? The current negotiation seems to be for the Wii Skylanders Starter Pack!

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