Tuesday 14 January 2014

Interior Decorators

Holly seems to get cuter and cuter as each day passes, but boy can she be a bit of a devil from 7pm to 11pm. We always get her washed/bathed and ready for bed around 7 o'clock at the same time as Joshua and Brandon go to bed. However instead of going to sleep Holly switches on "scream the house down mode" for the next 4 hours. We have yet to figure out why exactly she is doing it, we know it is not to do with feeding or nappy changing as they are easy to check. I seem to recall going through a similar phase with the boys where you need to make the decision whether to go down the pacifier route or not to provide them some sort of settler/comforter. With the boys we stuck to our guns and made it through this tough period without the pacifier and were very thankful at the other end (albeit Brandon had his cloth and Joshua had his thumb). The question now is can we hold out and do the same with Holly????? Apart from that Holly is getting very good at holding her head up and taking a good look around now and she has started to grip and hold things as shown below.

Holly gripping on to the key to her FAB! car.

In what little spare time I have I am desperately trying to convert the old nursery/toy room into Holly's bedroom. The wall mural is up but the rest of the decorating has been very slow. With the help of the boys and a few tester pots of paint we have now finally decided on a nice pink we all like and the walls are now all prepared and ready to paint. So hopefully it won't be long before her room is looking like a proper little girls bedroom. Joshua and Brandon loved getting involved in the decorating and painting patches of the wall with the tester colours. I only hope I have not inspired them to now go painting other walls in the house using some of their paint sets in the conservatory. I can just imagine waking up one Sunday morning with the boys rushing me into the living room to show me that they have decorated for me!!!!

Joshua testing out a pink paint against the wall mural.

Looks like I have a proper little helper for all future decorating jobs.

Brandon also wanted to get involved so he tried one of the other pink tester pots.

I think we all agreed that the lighter pink was the one to go for. I think it was called pink splash.

Brandon looking very happy with his interior decorating. Looks like I have more pocket money to pay out!!!!

1 comment:

Nicky xxx said...

Wow, Holly is growing up so quickly and already becoming so independent. Hopefully the evening crying won't last too much longer.
The boys definitely like decorating. I remember the piccies you sent through when they helped you with Zoe's secret room makeover xxx