Friday, 30 May 2014

Crabbing and Splash Parks at Maldon

We have had a relatively low key half term this May which was predominantly because the first 2 days were occupied by Joshua's Beaver Space Camp. The boys have been to a soft play area, had a round of golf, been swimming and badminton and done lots of baking with Mum, but not much else. So today I decided to take a day off of work and take the family out for the day. The weather started a bit drizzly today but steadily got better and better as the day went on. So we decided to head over to Maldon Prominade for a spot of crabbing, radio controlled boats and splash parks.
However before we set-off we tried a new breakfast for Holly. We wanted to try and find out if she would like Weetabix as this is usually found in most hotel breakfast rooms and would mean we would have another option for her when we go to Cyprus later this year. Being a new food we got the initial facial expression of, "what the f&^k is that!", but Holly was soon lapping it up and finished off the entire bowl.

In it goes, Holly's first taste of Weetabix.

"Mum, what on earth are you putting in my mouth now?"

"Ooooh, actually thats not bad - give me more!".
We eventually got to Maldon and the boys wanted to try their hand at crabbing first using some left over bacon from the mornings breakfast.  Our crabbing was a complete fail as despite trying multiple locations and changing the bait to ham, we caught nothing! Brandon got bored waiting and instead decided to play with his radio controlled boat that Auntie Nicky got him for his Birthday. Joshua was more persistant and in the end got talking to some other kids and borrowed one of their nets to catch some little shrimps instead. 

Brandon trying his hand at a spot of crabbing.

The crabs either didn't like the bacon or weren't hungry today.

Joshua was determined to catch something today.

A change of location did nothing to improve our ability to catch a crab.

Brandon got bored in the end and decided to play with his Wave Blaster.

Getting braver as he heads out into deeper water.

HMS Wave Blaster in action.
We had a minor panic when we thought the boat batteries were running out leaving the boat stranded in the water. It turned out to be some weeds caught around the propeller and we managed to limp the boat to the bank and clear the debris from the prop. After a busy morning it was time for a picnic.

Picnic time and Holly enjoys a cuddle with Mummy.

Despite only being about 14 degrees outside and pretty windy, the boys were determined to go in the Water Splash Park after lunch. Fortunately we went armed with wet suits and aqua shoes, however Brandon still only lasted about 10-15 mins before he came over to us shivereing from head to toe. We wrapped him in a hooded towel and then the picnic blanket and he soon warmed up and was ready for round two. As usual Joshua seems far less susceptable to the cold and just ran around like a lunatic for much longer, although even he eventually gave in to the cold and came over to us to get warm and wrapped up.

Brandon playing in a water mushroom in the splash park.

Joshua giving his face a good blast of water.

Brandon charging through the water snake.

Action shot of the boys running through some water jets.

Brandon getting a shower from a snake.

Running through the spray tunnel.

Joshua hiding under a water mushroom.

The water snake.

Joshua lasted much longer than Brandon, but eventually the cold even got to him.

Both boys warming up with hooded towels, a picnic blanket and some cuddles.

Joshua and Brandon posing in front of an old barge which was hosting a wedding on board.
After some football, some playtime on the pirate ship and an ice-cream we were getting close to expiring our parking ticket plus Brandon had to get back home for karate. However enroute back to the car we had to pass Cartels Steam Fun Fair and the boys could not resist a quick slide down the helter skelter. 

The Lighthouse Ship helter skelter.

Joshua and Brandon ride tandom down the slide.

Katate kid - Provisional 11th Kyu

Very well done to Little B who passed his second karate grading today and got his Provisional 11th Kyu - so now he has two red stripes on his belt. For this grading he had to show lots of concentration as he performed his rising block with alternate arms, and then his snappy kick and basic punch both had to be done from Zenkutsu-dachi this time around. He did me proud as always and its nice to see him going up the grades. Brandon's little buddy, Samuel, from school also took his first grading today and got his 1st red stripe.
Brandon receives his next red stripe from Sensie Quinn.

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Shared Bathtime

Holly turns 6 months today and my have those 6 months flown past. She has really slotted into the family and its as if she has always been with us. Joshua and Brandon are both so good with their little sister and are always smothering her with cuddles and kisses. Having 3 kids is definitely hard work although having Joshua and Brandon so close together and then a larger gap to Holly does makes things easier. I have so much respect for my parents now as I understand and appreciate what they must have gone through raising four kids. I just hope Joshua, Brandon and Holly stay as close together as me, Nicky, Lisa and Michael.
One childhood memory of mine is of me, Nicky, Lisa and Michael all sharing bathtime together as little kids. I was reminded of this earlier this week when Joshua, Brandon and Holly had their first bath together. I can't imagine how us four used to fit in a bath as it seemed pretty crammed with just 3 of them (and Holly is onl small). Holly seemed to really enjoy her bath until the boys started throwing cold tap water at each other and some of it went on Holly resulting in a screaming session.
Probably some 35 years ago as Lisa, Min, Nicky and me share a bath. I am sure my brothers and sisters will thank me for posting this one on the blog.
Brandon, Holly and Joshua sharing their first bath together.

Monday, 26 May 2014

Beavers Belchamps Scout Acitivity Space Camp

Bank holiday Monday and I decided I would slip in a quick 9 holes of golf with Joshua and Brandon whilst Holly took her mid morning nap. Lovely round with Joshua in particular playing some very good shots (even if he does still rush around like a bull in a China shop). The good news is that the boys appear to have learnt the safety rules this time and no one got tonked with a golf ball. We must have seen about a dozen squirrels on the course which gave the boys something else to aim at.
Lovely pose by Joshua as he tee's off at the 5th with his wood.

Driving through the ball and for once his eyes are still looking down.

Brandon tee's off on the 5th but doesn't get a full swing.

Very straight legged and weight back, but he gets the ball airborne.

Brandon lines up a long putt at the 8th.

Joshua was frequently hitting his putts too hard and zig zagging from side to side.

Holly is definitely showing signs of teething now and Tina reckons she can see little white bits starting to push through the gums. Today she has been pretty much shoving everything in her mouth to ease her gums.

Holly biting her Christmas teddy.

Then onto a rattle / teething ring toy.

She still has her baby blue eyes.
Anyway the subject of this blog is to do with Beavers as Joshua has gone to the Belchamps Scout Activity Centre today for an overnight Space Camp on site. He has been really excited about his little "away from home" adventure and has spent the last two days packing his trunkie and sorting out his sleeping bag, torches, pillows, teds, wash kit etc.etc. It has been a weird experience for us to pack his bags, give him some pocket money and then leave him on the camp in the hands of the scout leaders for 2 days. I am sure he will be OK, but you can't help worrying about him. In the car on the way home it seemed really quiet without him. I must admit I am dead jealous as I would have loved to have gone on an overnight Scout camp at his age. I really hope he has a good time. That being said roll on 4pm tomorrow when we can go and pick him up. 

Joshua shows his two new badges from last week for looking after a pet and his airborne badge.

The Beaver scouts all excited as they get ready to embark on their 2 day camp.

This is the space camp deep in the woods where the boys will be staying overnight.
Tonight has been really weird not having Joshua around - its so quiet. I have to say that going back to two children is an absolute doddle after having had 3 for nearly 6 months now. After dinner tonight obviously Joshua was at camp, Holly was asleep and so it was just me and Brandon, So we decided to go out for a run and Brandon did two 0.7 mile loops around the Wick without stopping (that is without stopping running or talking) all the way. Amazing for a 5 year old. He thoroughly enjoys the running and is getting really good. Do I have a mini-Mo on my hands. After running, me and Tina sat down with him to watch "Britain's Got Talent" which he loves. Fortunately Simon Cowell did not use the "crap" word tonight which Brandon heard and repeated the previous night!!! Anyway through habit tonight I am sure I will still check in Joshua's room before going to bed only to find he isn't there.

Saturday, 24 May 2014

Forest Glade FG5 Tournament 2014 (Under 6's)

Having coached the Under 6's football team for almost 2 years now, today was a big day as it was our first ever participation in the annual Forest Glade 5-a-side Tournament. For the Tigers team which are managed by myself and Lee, we had a 7 man strong team consisting off Lorne, Joshua, Max, Alfie, Ethan, Alex and Ryan. The boys played a total of 6 games over the course of the day and showed us some of the best football we have ever seen from them. If ever there was a day for everything to come together it was today, and the boys did not disappoint. At the end of a long day they came away with 5 wins and 1 draw out of six matches, but even more amazing is the fact that they only conceded 1 goal!!! We really couldn't have asked for anymore from the kids and I think all of the parents and coaches were very, very proud of the team. Joshua played mostly in defence and then had one game in goal where he got to make a key save. Clearly the defence and goal keeping were strong given that we only let in 1 goal. Most importantly though was that all the kids had a really good time today and came away with a smile on their face and a medal around their necks.
An amazing moment when our team formed a wall after conceding a free kick without any prompting from the coaches. They really are learning quickly about how to play effectively.

Joshua and one of his school buddies Ethan. Two strong defenders.

Joshua working the defence and clearing a ball.

One man down, and one more still trying to take on the might of Joshua.

Proud moment for me as I present Joshua with a medal at the end of the day.

A winning team. Back row L-R : Coach Lee, Lorne, Ethan, Joshua and Alfie. Front row L-R : Max, Ryan and Alex.

At the end of the day Joshua bought another souvenir picture frame for his bedroom - only this time half if it has the West Ham logo with a comment saying "No.1 West Ham fan" - so as from today he is now a West Ham fan!!! Anyway roll on the 2015 tournament. Next on the calendar is the Forest Glade presentation day in 2 weeks time and a chance for both Joshua and Brandon to pick up some silverware and to complete some Chelsea training.

Holly's New Bath Seat

Holly has completed outgrown her baby bath and any attempt to bath her in it now results in the bathroom floor getting an absolute soaking. So that means she is now at an age where she has to join her two brothers in the big bath for bath time. However given that she cannot sit-up on her own then we had to make our next pink purchase which is a revolving bath seat. Holly tried it for the first time earlier this week and absolute loved it. She was sitting up very nicely in the chair and was enjoying having the bigger bath to kick and splash around in.
"Aaargh, this is the life - light some scented candles Mum".
"Look at all this space I have to splash around".

"When are Joshua and Brandon coming in?"

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Beavers Visit to Wickford Fire Station

Tonight Brandon's Beavers club had arranged a visit for all of the kids to Wickford Fire Station. The kids all had a great time and were each given the opportunity to blast some cones off of some barrels using a fireman's hose. There was one poor fireman there who was dressed in full fire gear and was given the job of putting the cone back on the barrel for the kids at which point all the kids found it funny to squeeze the trigger and blast him with water. This poor fireman was soaked through to the skin after 16 kids had attacked him with a hose!!!
The kids were given a guided tour around a fire engine and were then taken inside to watch a video slip all about having a fire plan. Overall there was some really good tips for adults and kids such as shutting doors, testing fire alarms, keeping emergency keys by locked doors etc.etc. he kids were all advised that they could earn pocket money by nagging their parents to test their smoke alarms once a week - this has already cost me 50p as me and B went around the house and checked our 3 smoke alarms once we got home. The kids were also shown how to test shut doors with the back of your hand before opening the, and to crawl low to the ground when escaping from a burning house as the smoke rises. I was very pleased to hear the fireman tell all the kids that a "tidy house is a safe house" as we are always nagging them to put things away. The final key message was the "3 Outs" which the boys already know from Fireman Sam anyway - Get Out, Stay Out and Get the Fireman Out.
Brandon getting some hands on fireman training.
The fireman demonstrating some of the more higher powered hoses.
Hitting the top of the tree and soaking anyone in the adjacent park!
The kids loved the fan attachment which s used to out between two houses that are both on fire.