Bank holiday Monday and I decided I would slip in a quick 9 holes of golf with Joshua and Brandon whilst Holly took her mid morning nap. Lovely round with Joshua in particular playing some very good shots (even if he does still rush around like a bull in a China shop). The good news is that the boys appear to have learnt the safety rules this time and no one got tonked with a golf ball. We must have seen about a dozen squirrels on the course which gave the boys something else to aim at.
Lovely pose by Joshua as he tee's off at the 5th with his wood. |
Driving through the ball and for once his eyes are still looking down. |
Brandon tee's off on the 5th but doesn't get a full swing. |
Very straight legged and weight back, but he gets the ball airborne. |
Brandon lines up a long putt at the 8th. |
Joshua was frequently hitting his putts too hard and zig zagging from side to side. |
Holly is definitely showing signs of teething now and Tina reckons she can see little white bits starting to push through the gums. Today she has been pretty much shoving everything in her mouth to ease her gums.
Holly biting her Christmas teddy. |
Then onto a rattle / teething ring toy. |
She still has her baby blue eyes. |
Anyway the subject of this blog is to do with Beavers as Joshua has gone to the Belchamps Scout Activity Centre today for an overnight Space Camp on site. He has been really excited about his little "away from home" adventure and has spent the last two days packing his trunkie and sorting out his sleeping bag, torches, pillows, teds, wash kit etc.etc. It has been a weird experience for us to pack his bags, give him some pocket money and then leave him on the camp in the hands of the scout leaders for 2 days. I am sure he will be OK, but you can't help worrying about him. In the car on the way home it seemed really quiet without him. I must admit I am dead jealous as I would have loved to have gone on an overnight Scout camp at his age. I really hope he has a good time. That being said roll on 4pm tomorrow when we can go and pick him up.
Joshua shows his two new badges from last week for looking after a pet and his airborne badge. |
The Beaver scouts all excited as they get ready to embark on their 2 day camp. |
This is the space camp deep in the woods where the boys will be staying overnight. |
Tonight has been really weird not having Joshua around - its so quiet. I have to say that going back to two children is an absolute doddle after having had 3 for nearly 6 months now. After dinner tonight obviously Joshua was at camp, Holly was asleep and so it was just me and Brandon, So we decided to go out for a run and Brandon did two 0.7 mile loops around the Wick without stopping (that is without stopping running or talking) all the way. Amazing for a 5 year old. He thoroughly enjoys the running and is getting really good. Do I have a mini-Mo on my hands. After running, me and Tina sat down with him to watch "Britain's Got Talent" which he loves. Fortunately Simon Cowell did not use the "crap" word tonight which Brandon heard and repeated the previous night!!! Anyway through habit tonight I am sure I will still check in Joshua's room before going to bed only to find he isn't there.
1 comment:
Hope Joshua had a fab time at space camp. I didn't have a night without the girlies until they were in Year 6, when they went to France.
The boys look like they are doing well with golf. Couldn't be any worse than me! When Uncle Dave took me out to practise some golf shots I could not hit the ball for love nor money!
Holly is as gorgeous as ever and hope she is coping well with her new toothy pegs xxx
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