We have had a relatively low key half term this May which was predominantly because the first 2 days were occupied by Joshua's Beaver Space Camp. The boys have been to a soft play area, had a round of golf, been swimming and badminton and done lots of baking with Mum, but not much else. So today I decided to take a day off of work and take the family out for the day. The weather started a bit drizzly today but steadily got better and better as the day went on. So we decided to head over to Maldon Prominade for a spot of crabbing, radio controlled boats and splash parks.
However before we set-off we tried a new breakfast for Holly. We wanted to try and find out if she would like Weetabix as this is usually found in most hotel breakfast rooms and would mean we would have another option for her when we go to Cyprus later this year. Being a new food we got the initial facial expression of, "what the f&^k is that!", but Holly was soon lapping it up and finished off the entire bowl.
In it goes, Holly's first taste of Weetabix. |
"Mum, what on earth are you putting in my mouth now?" |
"Ooooh, actually thats not bad - give me more!". |
We eventually got to Maldon and the boys wanted to try their hand at crabbing first using some left over bacon from the mornings breakfast. Our crabbing was a complete fail as despite trying multiple locations and changing the bait to ham, we caught nothing! Brandon got bored waiting and instead decided to play with his radio controlled boat that Auntie Nicky got him for his Birthday. Joshua was more persistant and in the end got talking to some other kids and borrowed one of their nets to catch some little shrimps instead.
Brandon trying his hand at a spot of crabbing. |
The crabs either didn't like the bacon or weren't hungry today. |
Joshua was determined to catch something today. |
A change of location did nothing to improve our ability to catch a crab. |
Brandon got bored in the end and decided to play with his Wave Blaster. |
Getting braver as he heads out into deeper water. |
HMS Wave Blaster in action. |
We had a minor panic when we thought the boat batteries were running out leaving the boat stranded in the water. It turned out to be some weeds caught around the propeller and we managed to limp the boat to the bank and clear the debris from the prop. After a busy morning it was time for a picnic.
Picnic time and Holly enjoys a cuddle with Mummy. |
Despite only being about 14 degrees outside and pretty windy, the boys were determined to go in the Water Splash Park after lunch. Fortunately we went armed with wet suits and aqua shoes, however Brandon still only lasted about 10-15 mins before he came over to us shivereing from head to toe. We wrapped him in a hooded towel and then the picnic blanket and he soon warmed up and was ready for round two. As usual Joshua seems far less susceptable to the cold and just ran around like a lunatic for much longer, although even he eventually gave in to the cold and came over to us to get warm and wrapped up.
Brandon playing in a water mushroom in the splash park. |
Joshua giving his face a good blast of water. |
Brandon charging through the water snake. |
Action shot of the boys running through some water jets. |
Brandon getting a shower from a snake. |
Running through the spray tunnel. |
Joshua hiding under a water mushroom. |
The water snake. |
Joshua lasted much longer than Brandon, but eventually the cold even got to him. |
Both boys warming up with hooded towels, a picnic blanket and some cuddles. |
Joshua and Brandon posing in front of an old barge which was hosting a wedding on board. |
After some football, some playtime on the pirate ship and an ice-cream we were getting close to expiring our parking ticket plus Brandon had to get back home for karate. However enroute back to the car we had to pass Cartels Steam Fun Fair and the boys could not resist a quick slide down the helter skelter.
The Lighthouse Ship helter skelter. |
Joshua and Brandon ride tandom down the slide. |
1 comment:
Looks like a fun day was had by all!
Glad Brandon likes his boat and that it didn't get stranded!
Love Holly's face after her 1st taste of Weetabix! xxx
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