Thursday, 2 July 2015

Breakfast for a King

At the weekend Tina got up early and went out with Joshua to do another car boot sale to sell off a load of old baby stuff. So when Brandon got up, me him and Holly went down for breakfast and he asked me if he could have a "Mothers Day Breakfast"!! I think by this he was referring to a big English cooked breakfast, anyway I didn't disappoint.
Brandon's "Mothers Day Breakfast".
Can my little man eat that plate full of food? Not likely?
After breakfast me, Brandon and Holly went out for a nice 3 mile bike ride around the Wick. After about 2 miles Holly just about started to doze off so we stopped off in a park for a while. It was hilarious watching her and Brandon having races running up the slides (obviously I was helping Holly). 
Brandon chilling in the park.
After the cycle ride we went home and did a little bit of housework. Holly has really taken to helping out with the hoovering and the moment she hears the hoover noise, she darts into the living room and grabs her Mickey Mouse hoover to help out. Although having her under your feet and chuckling every time she rams her hoover into yours probably isn't helping as much as she thinks she is!

Holly giving her Dad a helping hand with the hoovering.

"Right what should we ram next?".

This week we have seen some of the highest temperatures in a long time for the UK and the kids have been loving spending time in the garden. We finally invested in a new swing chair with shade for the garden. It is absolutely perfect for chilling in the summer heat and watching over the kiddies as they play in the garden. Of course my challenge now is teaching the kids that it is a chair and not a swing!!! Holly has already fallen off of the chair and onto the decking once.

Holly enjoying her first try on our new swing chair.

Such a little cutie. Loving Holly's flowing blond locks.

Me and my kiddies enjoying some time in the sun. So much for the swing chair being a 3 seater.

Holly enjoying her first time in our paddling pool. Tipping some cold water over her head.

The paddling pool is almost big enough to be a swimming pool for Holly.

An interesting photo of Holly from underneath the water.

Put that tongue away!

Keeping cool playing in the pool.
Finally for today's blog I have a picture of Brandon from tonight's swimming lesson wearing his new swimming goggles. Just how freakish are these???? Joshua's swimming lesson went well tonight and having spoken to his instructor he is right on the border of being moved up a group. He just has to work a little harder on his breast stroke legs (which he has always struggled with) and then he can be moved up to Stage 6 dark blue hat.

Brandon with his freakish new swimming goggles.

1 comment:

Nicky xxx said...

I love the piccie of Holly on the swing chair and showed it around to everyone in the office. Everyone commented on how cute she is. Loving the new goggles too frog-eyed Brandon! xxx