We have had a fantastic Christmas 2015 with just the five of us at home all day chilling out, opening presents, playing games and feasting like King's. On Christmas Eve night the kids all left out the magic key for Santa along with a bottle of beer and a mince pie for Santa and then a carrot and some milk for the reindeer's. As usual they were so excited to wake up in the morning to find only a few crumbs and the carrot top indicating that Santa had paid us a visit. As always we were nasty parents and made the kids get dressed, washed, teeth and have breakfast before they could open any presents. But once that was done the rest of the day has been a bit of a blur.
Holly was well into opening her own presents this year and has really enjoyed Christmas. She has even managed to join in with a few of the games which has been really nice. We had an unusually early Xmas dinner at around 2pm which threw the kids out a bit as they are so used to having lunch and then dinner later in the evening. The kids all got some great presents which have kept them entertained all day long and me very busy. If I have to assemble another toy I think I will go and hang myself!!!
Santa and Rudolph's snack all ready on Xmas Eve night. |
The kids were obviously good and the tree was surrounded by stacks of presents. |
Holly had a personalised Santa present sack. |
As did Brandon...... |
And Joshua......although the sacks didn't really hold a fractions of their presents. |
Brandon tucking in to his pile of presents. |
Why on earth we bought the boys these most annoying duck noise blowers as stocking fillers is beyond me. When will they ever break. Even Holly is running around blowing it. |
Brandon opens his main present which was a new half golf set. |
Holly looking very excited as she gets loads of Minnie toys. |
Joshua loved his soft play archery set. |
Holly's main present was a little 7" tablet which mounts into an owl rucksack, the idea behind this was to stop her from keep going on the boys IPADS. |
Holly's present haul was very impressive. |
Probably her favourite toy his her scoot along balance motorbike. |
Joshua using one of his art drawing toys. |
Brandon loved his new West Ham home football kit. |
With his name and player number on the back. |
Brandon with his football kit, duck bill and his new golf set and trolley. |
Joshua is very good on his archery set already. Fortunately his set has an indoor target and can be used at home which was fortunate given how lousy the weather has been today. |
Not bad, a nice 9 point shot. |
Lovely to see all 3 kids playing 3D snakes and ladders at the kitchen table. |
Love this picture, Holly's expression is magic. |
Joshua likes his archery set, but the other main present we got him was a real winner. He has really taken to science at school and in particular electrical circuits. So we bought him a kids electronic set which can make some 200-300 different circuits by simply clipping the wiring pattern in place. Already today we have made a simply light circuit, a buzzer circuit, a dog bark sound, and rotating fan that blasts off, a door bell and an FM radio. He absolutely loves playing with this toy and making up new circuits.
Joshua with his science electrical set. |
Our FM radio all wired up and pumping out some tunes. |
Holly pulling her Christmas cracker with Tina. |
All settling down at the table for an early festive dinner. |
Holly and Brandon playing with her aqua doodle art mat. |
Our family present this year was Pie Face and we had an absolute blast playing this with whipped cream once Holly was in bed. The game seems to be very popular this year and to be honest we really struggled to get hold of this as just about everywhere was out of stock. Some people on ebay are selling them for £50 to £100 as they are in such demand!!! Crazy!. Looking at facebook is appears just about everyone has Pie Face this year and is posting pictures of their family getting splatted with squirty cream.
Brandon has already had one face full of cream but still comes back for more. |
Joshua take a pie face right on the nose. |
Tina was a wimp and pulled back as the arm fired and got all the cream down her jumper and over the kitchen floor! |
I took my turn like a man and got a mouthful of whipped cream much to the delight of the boys. |
So Christmas 2015 is over and now we quickly move in to Boxing Day for Wickmas 2015 with the family tomorrow.
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