Friday 18 December 2015

More Elf Exploits

This blog is dedicated to the mischievous acts of our friendly Elf Candy Cane. He has been very busy during December causing havoc around our house. Here are some more of his recent antics.
Obviously been watching the Andrew advert and wanted to find out if our toilet roll was soft, strong and very long....

Down the stairs and through the hallway.

Through the living room and piled up under the Xmas tree.

I am glad Candy Cane was smiling because I certainly wasn't waking up to toilet roll unrolled all over the house.

H even decorated the Xmas tree with toilet roll.

The following night the Toy Story Soldiers kept him in check by securing him and holding him at gun point.

Ha, with Candy Cane safely secured he can do no mischief.

The soldiers guard Candy Cane intently.

The next night i was business as usual as Candy Cane found the scissors, sellotape and wrapping paper and decided to wrap himself up and hire under the Xmas tree.

The next night Candy Cane got himself stuck in a glass jar. He was trying to copy Joshua's school work where he made a snow globe out of an old empty jar.

Last night Candy Cane played a game of scrabble and I have to say came up with a very festive board.

For once tonight Candy Cane has been good and has a present for each of the kids plus some Westham chocolates which can be used to make a hot chocolate.

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