Wednesday 31 August 2016

Newquay Day 6 - Newquay Zoo and Paulos Circus

Day 6 in Newquay and the weather was a bit unsure what to do. One minute a down pour, the next glorious sunshine. We spent most of the morning at Newquay Zoo which was literally 5 minutes away from our campsite at Hendra. The zoo is certainly not a Colchester or Whipsnade, but its still well worth a visit and we all had a really good time and attended a couple of the animal feeding sessions.
After the Zoo we managed to get tickets for the Paulos Circus which was within throwing distance from our tent. It was so close and the kids were so keen that it seemed rude not to go along. Having said that the circus itself was nowhere near as good as the one we saw in Norfolk earlier in the year. It was still very good and had some incredible acts, but wasn't the best circus we have seen which was quite surprising given that it has a reputation from the TV Circus programme.
At the end of the day it was back to camp where me and Joshua knocked up another camp dinner of Cornish pasties, corn on the cob and boiled potatoes. We were all starting to take a bit of a liking to the proper Cornish pasties and certainly eating our fair shares worth!

A very pretty bird with its little chicks at Newquay Zoo.

Tina, Holly and Joshua watching the birds in the tropical bird house.

Three mischievous little meerkats.

Some of the meerkats having a play.

There was 3 lions at the zoo.

We managed to catch the penguins being fed.

Tina and the kiddies in an oriental themed part of the zoo where otters play in the water below. Unfortunately they were all sleeping today!

The Savannah plains with zebra, ostrich and some antelope.

Ring tailed lemur island was Brandon's favourite and he bought himself a few Lemur items from the gift shop as well.

The boys were keen to get their own body boards for the beach, so after a bit of shopping around we picked up a couple for them today. Here they are practising outside the tent with Holly trying to copy.

Holly striking a surfer pose on Brandon's body board.

Brandon looking like a pro as he practises. Now lets try this pose on the water!!!!

The kiddies outside Paulos circus. We were lucky to catch their very last show before moving on.

The kiddies posing by the circus truck.

A sneaky picture inside the circus. Couldn't take many as they specifically said no cameras or videos.

At the end of the day a Cornish dinner fit for a King, well 5 King's to be more precise.

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