Friday 16 June 2017

Summer Bounce 2017

It's that really busy time of the year at school with football tournaments, swimming gala's, Fathers Day meals, school sports days, school reports and so on. Today was the annual Summer Fete / Summer Bounce where after school, the school field becomes packed with loads of bouncy castles for the kids to have some fun. Holly was that bit older this year and could enjoy a lot more of the bouncy castles. Mean while I hardly saw the boys as they were off with their friends all afternoon. The only time I saw them was when they wanted money for a burger or yet another fidget spinner.!!
Holly also got to make a sweet cookie and Brandon made some slime at the Fete. Joshua had a go at throwing balls at coconuts for the first time and after 3 attempts he finally won a coconut which I will enjoy tomorrow!
Holly and Brandon's bum about to race through a bouncy castle.

We have a pair of legs for Brandon, but no Brandon.

Brandon and Holly at the end of s bouncy castle slide.

Action shot of Josh getting some airtime to prevent being wiped out by the spinning bar.

Another good action shot of Joshua leaping for the skies.

Brandon and Holly coming down a giant slide.

Brandon was really good looking after Holly on some of the bouncy castles.

Joshua and Holly on on the giant slide.

Joshua aiming to try and knock off a coconut.

He is a winner.

Holly looking so grown up and having a blast at the Summer Bounce.

More pictures of Holly as I was looking after her whilst the boys were off with their mates.

Brandon doing Gladiator battle with his friend Brett.

The battle ended a draw with 2 wins each and then they both fell off together.

Holly showing the biscuit she decorated for Mummy. Brandon ate his one.

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