Friday, 2 June 2017

Foot Golf and Thorndon Picnic

Once again I have got to nearly the end of a half term and not taken any time off with the kids. Obviously I had Monday off as it was the bank holiday and then on Thursday the boys were at Wizz Kids for an assault course event. So as they all have Monday off for a teach training day I decided to book off the Friday and Monday to make a long weekend.
Today started with an early Crossfit class for me followed by a relax in the jacuzzi which was didn't last for long as the kids all woke up and joined me in there. After breakfast we decided to head over to Moby Golf for a round of foot golf and then afterwards we stopped off in Thorndon Park for a picnic lunch.
The foot golf was really good and Brandon in particular gave me a good run for my money forcing me to have to really play. In fact after 9 holes we were all drawn on 32 shots each. Joshua did well but just put too much power on the first 3 holes and was then always on the back foot trying to catch up. Holly took her little size 2 ball and also joined in the fun. Hopefully she will sleep well tonight as her little legs covered a lot of ground.
In Thorndon we used our new single burner for the first time and cooked up some sausages to make some sausage sandwiches which were really nice. We then enjoyed a game of rounders and some bowls before heading home to relax. Joshua is getting pretty tasty at rounders and is hitting the ball a good distance now.
All ready with our footballs to take on the first hole.

Brandon kicks off first and looks like he is leaning forward a bit too much. Still the ball went high and straight.
Joshua squaring off for his first shot of the day.
Much better technique shown from Brandon with this t-shot.
Josh was getting the ball further than Brandon but needed the finesse more on the greens.
The old man showing the kids how it is done. Not great technique but then that's probably why Brandon was level with me at the half way stage.
Holly gets her ball in the hole at the 5th.
Holly's pre Tee routine was to stand there and rub her hands together.
Then she would take a big run up and try and kick the ball as hard as she could with her little legs.
Brandon going for max power on the 9th.
9 down and 9 to go.
A few of the holes were full of water which Holly seemed to love.
Using our little gas burner for the first time to cook up some sausages for lunch.
Holly loves having picnics.
All the family enjoying some quality time at Thorndon Park.
Tina being bundled by the kiddies.

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