This weekend was the annual Forest Glade 5-a-side tournament which has been really busy for us. Tina and Holly were down the club most of Friday helping gear up and get ready for the 2 day event. Then Saturday we were over there all day as Brandon's U8 Tigers team were playing. Then today we was all back there again as helpers for day 2 of the tournament. The U7 Lion's were missing their goal keeper today so whilst me, Josh, Tina and Holly were helping out, Brandon went on and played another 5 games as goal keeper to help them out.
On Saturday morning we just about missed the morning thunderstorms and then the day was glorious sunshine. The winds picked up a little late afternoon and with FG being so open we had to pull down the team gazebo. As Brandon has nine players on his team we split the Tigers and Pumas in to 3 teams for this event so that we only had 1 substitute and all the kids got to play a lot more football. Brandon's team did really well only conceding 4 goals all day and drawing 3 games and winning two games. So no defeats.
On Sunday our job was mostly litter and runners however we pretty much got roped in to everything including the BBQ right through to helping pull everything down late in to the afternoon. Joshua and Holly were amazing and worked their socks off all day long despite the weather being even hotter and muggier than Saturday. Unfortunately some of the kids got to see the ugly side of football on the Sunday as we had two incidents with parents getting very rowdy and aggressive almost to the point of fights breaking out and this was on a pitch which Brandon was playing on in goal at the time of it kicking off. So from about lunch time onwards I was tasked with keeping an eye on one particular pitch to ensure there was no more trouble. Its such a shame to see things like this at exhibition kids mini soccer and it upset quite a few of the kids.
Overall it was a great weekend and Brandon got two nice medals from it. Unfortunately for Joshua this was the first FG Fives event that he has not played in due to the issues we have had on his team this season and the fact that we were forced to pull him from the team.
Holly helping get things set-up on the Friday. |
Holly, Tina and some of the girls enjoying the sun whilst setting up. |
Me with Brandon, Josh, Connar, Kye and Ashton. Undefeated on the day. |
Brandon taking a corner kick. |
Brandon showing good pace breaking away from the bigger Daniel. |
An unfortunate incident against Essex Royals where Brandon got a free kick and a bloody lip for this blatant foul. |
Is Holly loving or hating this Brain Licker sweet? |
Me presenting Brandon with his medal. Photo bombed by Joshua! |
The Forest Glade Tigers, Wildcats and Pumas with coaches, me, Nick and Ritchie. |
All the boys pulling a silly pose. |
A fab shot of Brandon taken by the pro photographer taking a free kick. |
My little dude working very hard and getting very sweaty. |
A shot of me barking orders at the team from the side lines! |
Another action shot of Brandon on the ball. |
Brandon nicely dribbling with the ball and keeping his head up to look for options. |
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