Tuesday 16 May 2017

Menorca 2017 Day 6 - Menorca Zoo and Son Bou Beach

Day 6 of our holiday and this was the only organised excursion for our week in Menorca. So an early start and we got a coach to Menorca Zoo (LLoc De Menorca) and then on the way back we stopped at the famous Son Bou beach which is probably one of the best on the island. The journey to the zoo took about 45 mins to an hour and going through lots of narrow meandering roads meant that both Joshua and Holly were travel sick. So not a great start to the day.
The zoo itself is pretty small and really you could only spend half a day there and easily see everything. One of their big selling points is getting visitors pictures taken with a large albino python, but on the day we went they didn't get the snake out so we missed out on this. Overall we had a really good morning though. Holly made a friend with a little goat, we chuckled watching sleepy turtles falling off rocks in to the water pool and had a nice picnic lunch whilst watching some monkeys.
Son Bou beach was only about 10 mins from the zoo and is absolutely stunning. You can see why it is one of the best beaches on the island. We spent a couple of hours on the beach and I think everyone went in the water as there was no jelly fish. We made a few sand castles and then finished the day off with some souvenir shopping before getting the coach back to the hotel.

Menorca Zoo.
Suli the talking parrot at the zoo entrance.

Menorca Zoo water wheel.

A nice Koi pond.

Holly said this baby goat was her best friend.

She wouldn't feed any of the other goats, only her best friend.

I think Holly wanted to bring this goat home with her.

Brandon feeding the goats.

Joshua and Brandon at the zoo aquatic area.

We learnt that hot sun makes cows and pigs extra smelly!

Holly was getting braver with the animals and loved stroking this little donkey

Brandon and Holly with the donkey.

Now that's one big cactus!

Brandon's favourite the ring tailed lemurs.

This was the albino python we should have got a picture holding!!!!

Some very lazy and sleepy turtles.

Can you spot the little baby roo in the pouch.

Amazing the crocs were moving around and not doing the typical mannequin challenge.


After the zoo we went to Son Bou beach on the south coast of the island.

Joshua inspecting the sea for jelly fish before braving it.

The white sands and clear water seemed to go on forever.

Now that's what I call a beach.

Nice clear water for some snorkeling.

Another Joshua snorkeling picture.

Tina ventured in to the sea and she hates the beach. I wonder if this was linked in anyway to the lack of toilets in close proximity????

Joshua photo bombs a picture of one of our sand castles - a battle ship which lasted about 2 mins before Holly jumped all over it.

Off for some souvenir shopping in your 4x4 jeep.

At the evening show in the Slash World the kids enjoyed tucking in to the largest candy floss I have ever seen.

Even Joshua couldn't get his mouth around this one. PS do you like his New York cap that he got whilst on holiday?

Holly has never really like candy floss in the past. But I think she ate more than the boys.

Poor Brandon gets the left over bit from Holly. And yes that is his New York cap that he got on holiday as well.

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