Sunday 1 October 2017

20th Anniversary Spa Weekend @ Brookalnds

This weekend we had a very rare night away without the children to celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary. I had booked a night away at the Brooklands hotel with breakfast, 3 course meal and a spa treatment. In order to make this weekend happen Lisa and David very looked after the kiddies for us which meant they got to experience just what it is like to do all the kids club running around on a Friday and Saturday. Lisa also gave Holly her very own spa treatment which you can see in the pictures.
Our weekend away was amazing and very relaxing indeed. The food at Brooklands was amazing and we had the best of both worlds really as Tina had her spa treatment and I had the Mercedes World on our door step. The Brooklands hotel has an amazing out door Jacuzzi on the 3rd floor which you can sit in and look out over the Mercedes World race track whilst listening to the sweat sounds of AMG's tearing around the track and power sliding down the skid straight. For the spa treatment Tina had a facial and I got to experience something called a body scrub. This consisted of being brushed over with what can only be described as a rough dogs brush to get all the dead skin off, and then massaging some oil into the freshly scrubbed skin. I hate to admit it, but it felt quite nice.

The start of Holly's spa treatment at Auntie Lisa and Uncle David's.
Holly getting her own facial treatment.

Selfie with Auntie Lisa.
This time with her eyes open.

Amazingly Lisa got Holly to have cucumber treatment on the eyes without eating it.

Auntie Lisa even painted Holly's finger and toe nails. Little did she know Holly would soon reciprocate the favour.

Holly painting Auntie Lisa's toe nails.

Not sure Tina would let Holly do this to her feet any time soon.
Whilst all this was going on the boys showed zero interest in any spa treatment.

Holly having doggy cuddles with Teddy.

Brandon having doggy cuddles but still not letting go of his IPAD.

Joshua being super social.
All smiles as the kids are treated to a slushie.

Lisa, David, Joshua, Brandon and Holly.

Mean while at Brooklands hotel this rather nice looking Lamborghini Aventador was parked outside.
Within minutes of checking in to our hotel room there was a knock on the door and a rather nice desert plate presented to us for our anniversary.
Even the chocolates were special anniversary chocs. The cheese cake was scrummy.

A little wine to wash down the anniversary cakes.

Tina soon settled in to the hotel room and found the lounger rather relaxing.

The spa area on the 3rd floor with some lovely circular lounges to chill on and watch the motor sports at Mercedes World.
Nice view of the track whilst chilling.

Great view of some AMG Mercs tearing around the track.

The skid track was interesting to watch as they tried to get the cars sideways.

Tina in the hot tub watching the cars.

Me and Tina chilling in the hot tub.

Relaxing on our anniversary weekend away.

I want one of these, they sounded just awesome.

The bar of the hotel had these propellers and then the reception area is built across the old straight from the Brooklands race track.

More Jacuzzi time. It maybe September but the sun is still shinning.

One of the Mercs getting a bit sideways.

This beauty was in the Mercedes World Museum, just stunning. If only I had a spare £150k.

They don't build cars like this anymore.

An old Mercedes motorbike from 1885!!!!

Looking out over the track from the Mercedes World tower.

Brandon would have liked to have seen this bad boy.

This is pretty incredible. A complete F1 car stripped down to every single component and strung up on display from the ceiling.

Lewis Hamilton's car from 2009.

I think I deserve to have a podium spot for organising a fab weekend to celebrate our 20 years.

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