Sunday 22 October 2017

Joshua and Leyla's 10th Birthday

This weekend we had more birthday celebrations for Joshua and also Lelya who was 10 1 day after Joshua. So Auntie Chris, Steve and Claire came down for the weekend and some of the family came around Saturday night for some food and to give Joshua and Leyla their presents. Joshua absolutely loves having a buffet and folks around the house so it meant the world to him to see them all for his birthday. Tina made them both a birthday cake each and we all sang happy birthday to them both.
On the Sunday once the football was over with we went out for a nice dinner with the Norfolk gang and gave Josh and Leyla the choice of venue. They chose the new'ish "Spoons" place in Basildon and it was absolutely amazing. Such a wide selection of food from Thai, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Brazilian, English Roast, Italian pastas and pizza - and best of all it was all you can eat at a very reasonable price. Needless to say we were all very stuffed and after the meal we headed over to the Pumpkin Patch to walk some of the food off!

Joshua and Leyla with their birthday cakes that Tina made.

The two 10 year old's.

Cheeky Holly really enjoyed the food in Spoons.

The King and Cobbin family enjoying a lovely Sunday birthday lunch at the new Spoons in Basildon.

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