Sunday 8 October 2017

Senior School Viewing and Rugby

It seems hard to believe that we last week we had our first viewing for a secondary school. It seems like only yesterday Joshua was born and yet he is a Year 5 and will be going to secondary school in about a year and a half!!!
The first school we viewed was Bromfords and I have to say that we were very, very impressed and couldn't really fault it. Obviously it is our first viewing so it is way to quick to make a decision yet, but so far very positive. I am not sure what I expected from a secondary school. I guess my expectations were based on my time at secondary school which dates back a good 30 years! Needless to say schools have changed a lot and my expectations were exceeded. The head teacher seemed a very competant and pationate teacher and has been at the school for circa 24 years which shows good stability.
Our viewing lasted almost 3 hours and we looked at pretty much every class. The boys tried some sports in the sports centre, did some experiements in the biology and physics, sampled some food from the cookery class and the canteen menu. Joshua was also quite impressed with how they support the Duke of Edingburough award which he is really keen on as a sort of follow on from his Cubs.
Anyway it is still early days and our next viewing is Beauchamps school which unfortunately for Joshua is on his forthcoming 10th birthday!!!!

Our first secondary school viewing was the very impressive Bromfords.

This weekend has been another football dominated weekend with Chelsea Friday night, training Saturday morning and then Brandon's 3rd league match Sunday. The boys played fantastic in their match and won comfortably with a 5-1 scoreline.
After Brandon's match we quickly grabbed some lunch and then headed over to Basildon Rugby Club to watch Amy's first match of the season against Runwell. It was a bit of a one sided game to put it politely, but on the plus side we got to see Amy play the whole game without being injured!!!!
Some of the Tigers along with Josh, Brandon and Holly helping put the goals away after training.

Holly and Amy after the first Rugby match of the 17/18 season.

Basildon RFC and Runwell after the match. Amy in the back row far right.

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