Friday 14 December 2018

Joshua and Brandon Year 5/6 Xmas Show

Having had the pleasure of watching Holly's nativity play this morning, I had a double dose in one day as I also got to watch the final performance of the boys Xmas show alongside Auntie Nicky. It wasn't quite your traditional nativity play and was more of a "Abacus has got Talent" show. Some of the kids showed some amazing skills with dancing, organs, electric guitars and so on. 

Brandon didn't really have a talent part to the show and was just part of the choir. He didn't seem to happy to be there until Auntie Nicky started grinning at him and then he started smiling. Joshua was also part of the choir but also had a rather amusing ending to the show where him and a few lads from his class busted out some dances from the Fortnite game. The fact that Joshua and Lewis had the Fortnite Gingerbread costumes on made it even more amusing.

Brandon not looking happy to be in the choir but he did look like he was singing.

Finally he busts a smile as Auntie Nicky grins at him from the audience.

Joshua in his gingerbread costume for his finale Fortnite dances.

Joshua and Lewis center stage and doing the "ride the pony" dance.

At the end of the performance all of year 5 and 6 came together for a song.

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