Saturday 12 December 2020

Covid Face Mask Tree Decs and Elf Updates

Holly's Elf has been getting up to loads of mischief this week. She has been out riding on the table reindeer candle holder, then drove Holly's new Barbie jeep and horse trailer, brought Holly some Elf homework, some paper chains and candy canes, but worst of all, last night she drank a bottle of mine and Tina's rum!!!!

Other Xmas updates are that we have our ecard for 2020 which Tina made up by placing our 5 faces on some ginger bread characters. Then I saw this really cool idea of how to make Xmsa tree fairy decorations out of facemasks. I think they look fabulous and will be an annual reminder of the year that we will all want to desperately forget.

We 5 King's eCard for 2020.

Rainbow riding the table reindeer candle holder.

Holly wasn't impressed with Rainbow playing with her new birthday toys.

Holly thoroughly enjoyed doing the homework sheets that Rainbow left for her.

In Holly's penultimate Zoom Rainbow's session she made this marshmallow snowman.

A cookie gingerbread house....

And this beautiful Xmas card.

She was pleased with the paperchains left by the Elf as she could carry Rainbow around without touching her.

Rainbow with packets of paperchains to keep Holly busy.

And this is our special Covid-19 Xmas tree fairy made from face masks.

Such a good idea and a great little memento of one hell of a year that not many want to remember.

The new angel / fairy looks great on our tree. Now to make more for the rest of the family.

One night Rainbow brought Holly a load of cand canes to put on the Xmas tree.

By far the naughtiest activity of the Elf was to get absolutely wrecked on 2 bottles of wine.

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