Tuesday 1 December 2020

Welcome to Elf Rainbow

Yeh, its the first of the December which means the start of advent and the return of the Elf on the Shelf. As the boys are now older we have retired two of the Elves and only have Holly's one this year (which hopefully makes things easier). Holly's Elf also has a new name and is now called Rainbow.

Day 1 for the Elf on the Shelf is always the easy one as it is the traditional welcome letter and the Elf brings the kids their advent calendars. This year the Elf bought Joshua a Reeces calendar, Brandon a Harry Potter stationary calendar and Holly a charm bracelet calendar.

Can you spot a Holly?

Day 1 of the Elf on the shelf and Rainbow delivers the advent calendars.

Welcome to Rainbow for the next 25 days.
The kids with their 2020 advent calendars.

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