Thursday 23 June 2022

Fathers Day 2022

I feel very spoilt after a really nice Fathers day with lots of gifts from the kiddies plus a really nice family meal out at Wagamama (which was the first time their for the kids). Joshua picked a dish which he wasn't too keen on and ended up swapping with Tina's katsu curry. Brandon and Holly ate there's ok and Holly even had a go bash at using chopsticks for her sweetcorn and noodles.

As you can see from the picture below, one of my gifts was tis t-shirt which aptly says "Dad's off duty, go ask Mum". I also got a couple of other t-shirts, one with Superdad and one for Gas Monkey Garage, then some Toblerone, a new hammer and some socks.

Fathers Dat meal at Wagamama's. Holly wanted to wear a dress and put on her Mary Poppins dress.

Holly doing very well eating carrots and sweetcorn with chop sticks.

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