On a less serious note, Joshua is developing very well. He is thoroughly enjoying going swimming still and has now been many times. His latest tricks yesterday were to float belly up with just his head resting on my shoulder, and to draft along no handed in his floatie as I ran in front of him up and down the pool.
His sleep patterns seem to be amazing (touch wood). The little man struggles to get to sleep much before 10-11pm most evenings (despite Mummy and Daddy's attempts), but then once he does finally drop off, he is sleeping right through to around 7-8am. On a few occasions I have had to actually wake him up worried that he needs a bum change and a feed! I think I'll make the most of this sleep pattern as from what I understand we are in for some tough nights ahead when he starts teething.
His sleep patterns seem to be amazing (touch wood). The little man struggles to get to sleep much before 10-11pm most evenings (despite Mummy and Daddy's attempts), but then once he does finally drop off, he is sleeping right through to around 7-8am. On a few occasions I have had to actually wake him up worried that he needs a bum change and a feed! I think I'll make the most of this sleep pattern as from what I understand we are in for some tough nights ahead when he starts teething.
PS Happy New Year to all my readers - keep checking in on Joshua's progress during 2008!