Monday, 31 December 2007

Breaking News for 2008!

On October 28th 2003 - Cesc Fabregas become Arsenals youngest ever league player at the tender age of 16 years old. Well just like McClaren recognised the talent in Lewis Hamilton and signed him up at a very young age, Arsenal have done the same with young Joshua. Apparently during the trials he was acknowledged as being a world class "dribbler". Who would of thought? So it is with great pleasure that I introduce to you the new youngest Gooner on the planet. PS Any suitable WAGS will need to be interviewed by the parents for suitability before dating the young stud!

On a less serious note, Joshua is developing very well. He is thoroughly enjoying going swimming still and has now been many times. His latest tricks yesterday were to float belly up with just his head resting on my shoulder, and to draft along no handed in his floatie as I ran in front of him up and down the pool.

His sleep patterns seem to be amazing (touch wood). The little man struggles to get to sleep much before 10-11pm most evenings (despite Mummy and Daddy's attempts), but then once he does finally drop off, he is sleeping right through to around 7-8am. On a few occasions I have had to actually wake him up worried that he needs a bum change and a feed! I think I'll make the most of this sleep pattern as from what I understand we are in for some tough nights ahead when he starts teething.
PS Happy New Year to all my readers - keep checking in on Joshua's progress during 2008!

Friday, 28 December 2007

More Xmas Updates

I forgot to mention in yesterdays update - my two biggest disappointments of this Xmas. Firstly the little man did not wake until 8am and then didn't bother getting up for his presents until 9.30am (whats up with that????? It should be 6am at the very latest on Christmas morning). Secondly - half way through opening his presents, he decides to have a power nap. Now I know he had a lot to get through, but to sleep in between!!!!! The boy has a lot to learn.

On a positive note, every Dad must cherish the day when they get to teach there boy how to drive. For me and Josh we started early as his Nanny bought him this wicked blue baby walker car - so we started to learn to drive already.

Daddy showing Joshua how to drive. Today a baby walker - next the Corvette.

"Dad, what gear did you say I pull off in again?".......

"Don't worry son, let me just give you a push for now".

Now who could this stranger be holding little Joshua? And why is he wearing girlie blue earrings?

Joshua getting a bit overwhelmed by loads of his Xmas toys in his play gym.

Having a munch on his new teether toy from Emily.

Thursday, 27 December 2007

1st Christmas

Well our first Christmas with Joshua was amazing, despite the little man only being 2 months old and not really understanding what was going in - having a child made our Christmas wonderfully special. I thoroughly enjoyed opening all of Joshua's presents and then enjoyed even more playing the Dad role of building and assembling all the toys etc. as you would expect for Joshie's first Xmas, he has been spoilt beyond belief by all friends and family - and now my only dilemma is where to store everything!

Christmas dinner was slightly interrupted as Josh obviously got the hunger bug with the smell of the turkey and decided he needed a feed literally just as dinner was dished up! So as usual it was a cold/rushed dinner for me and Tina. Next year should be better as the little dude will be joining us at the dining table in his fancy new high chair which Dad and Diane bought. Anyway loads of fab pictures for you all to enjoy.

PS Don't forget to leave your comments for Joshua on this blog. All blog entries are being printed off into his scrap book and your comments get attached the the entries and make it even more special.

Now that's what I call a Xmas cracker!

Here's Joshua in his little reindeer costume.

This is what I call finger Licking good!

Here are all Joshua's present under the Christmas tree.

And this is little Santa having a super stretch.

Here are just some of Daddies (I mean Joshua's) new toys.

This is a picture if little Master Santa (Joshua) with little Miss Santa Clause (Mia) and their great Nan and Uncle Steven.

Just a cute picture of baby Santa with one of his new rattles.

First attempt at sitting in his new high chair, not a happy bunny at first.

This is Joshua's new kick and drive toy from Uncle Steven and Joshua's great Nan. He seems to be fascinated by this and has no problem making all the electronic noises by kicking it.

Here's Daddy fulfilling his new role as a parent by assembling endless amounts of babies toys.

Who needs babies chairs, I want to sit in the big boys chair!

Me and Joshie pulling a Xmas cracker.

More kick and drive.......

Tuesday, 18 December 2007

2 Months Old

OK pop quiz................who remembers what you were doing on your two month old birthday? Well for Joshua it is easy - we took him swimming down the David Lloyd for the first time. The little man absolutely loved the pool and was in there for around 25 mins. In the end we had to take him out because the life guard was leaving for lunch and its adults only during lunch break. As you can see from the photo's he was a happy little bunny and seemed just as comfortable outside his floatie ring as inside it. The dive camera came in handy for the water pictures! Anyway the 25 mins swimming really tired the little man out, once we got him showered, dressed and fed - he slept for over 5 hours solid!!! PS What do you think of his cool Nemo swimming trunks?

Monday, 17 December 2007


The word immunisation sounds bad - and today I found out why. Poor Joshua had to go for his first set of injections which protect him from DTaP/IPV/Hib and PCV. The brave man had one injection into each thigh and I didn't envy him one bit when I saw the size of the needle. In comparison to his little legs it would be the equivalent of someone sticking a javelin into your thigh! But being a tough little King he just shrugged it off with a little cry and then went back to sleep. When we got home he had 2.5ml of Calpol just to make sure his temperature does not rise and to stop any pain. The nurse who administered the immunisations is also doing well, she was rushed off to A&E for hurting my little boy but should be out in time to see Christmas!

We also took Joshua back to the Health Clinic for a weigh-in today and he is now a whopping 11lb 10oz (so nearly a pound weight gain from his last weigh-in). The increased weight explains why he now hardly fits into the moses basket part of his travel system (see picture below).

Daddy has now got Joshua exercising at every opportunity. Here's the little man doing his two armed chest expansions using the toy caterpillar that Auntie Shahinah bought him. One rep....

Two that enough yet Dad or have I got to do more.

And just when Joshua had finished his chest expansions - it was into his gym for some lying one arm rows with the caterpillar.

PS Did you notice the nice blue knitted jumper he is wearing - this is one of the many knitted by Joshua's Great Gran.

Sunday, 16 December 2007

Joshua meets his Great Nan

Yesterday we took Joshua to meet his great Nan for the first time. The little man was spoilt with lots of lovely home knitted baby clothes which will keep him nice and warm over winter. Joshua also got to briefly meet Auntie Lorraine and Uncle Martin as well, so a very eventful day which seemed to tire the little man out (he didn't get out of bed until 12:30 today!!! - definitely takes after his mother there). Anyway here are a couple of pics.

Friday, 14 December 2007

The 8 week old Picasso

Well Joshua was 8 weeks old yesterday. He has pretty much outgrown his Moses basket now and as a result of this we have started to set him down in the cot after his bath or wash in the evening to slowly get him used to sleeping in his own room. It seems weird going to bed and not having Joshua in our room, even though we can hear him with the baby monitor. Last night was a major break through as he stayed in his cot all night, only waking at around 4.30am for a feed and change. The picture below is evidence of his night in the cot.

Joshua also really enjoys his white chocolate from his advent calendar. Unfortunately Tina does not like white chocolate so I have the burden I melting small bits on my tongue and then feeding them to the little boy (such is life). Its become part of our evening ritual now to sit on the bean bag and chomp away at some white chocolate together. But check out the advent calendar below which we bought for Joshua, how cool is that (PS the rest of the boxes are on the other side of the train in case you thought we short changed him with only 12 days of Xmas advent).

The little man is also starting to hold his head up unassisted and have a good look around - he loves looking at the Christmas decorations and lights. This is really noticeable when you have the little man sitting on your lap to try and wind him - his little head is bobbing all over the place. Speaking of decorations though, Auntie Lisa has been creative with Joshua and created his first Xmas decoration for Mum and Dad (see below). How cool is this from an 8 week old. Could we have a budding young Picasso in the making.

The other good news is that Tina's Mum finally managed to get hold of the piggy bank we have wanted for Joshua for ages (see below). Now to start filling it. All donations welcome.

Anyway Monday will be the next major update as the little man is off for his first set of injections and also for his next weighing. God help that nurse if she hurts my little boy with that needle!!!

Wednesday, 12 December 2007

Xmas comes early............

Who wants to wait until Dec 25th. As you can see from the picture below, Xmas came early for us this year. And just look at the little bundle of joy that Santa left under our Xmas tree.

Joshua seems to love looking at the Xmas decorations and lights.

Speaking of Father Christmas, well for Halloween Joshua was dressed up as a pumpkin, so it was only a matter of time before the baby father Christmas outfit came out. I think this little Santa will fit down the chimney just nicely, although I am not sure he can carry many gifts.

But then who needs gifts when Santa looks this cute..........

"Damn, I forgot to bring presents on my sleigh, maybe if I just lay underneath the tree then Mummy and Daddy can have me as their Xmas present"

A nice bit of fresh air for Dad and Joshua. A chilling winter walk along Southend Sea front. Shame the little man had to miss out on the warm cinnamon donuts.
Last week we had the picture of the hands, this week its the feet. So here's Joshua's little pinkies up against Dad's foot. And yes as you can see, Dad has not butchered anymore of Joshua's toes!

More work on the grip, now nearly 8 weeks old and as you can see from below Joshua can grip an item in both hands. Anyone know where you can buy baby dumbbells.

Here's a nice little Christmas "Silent Night" outfit which Auntie Shahinah bought for Joshua.

And last but not least. Check out the top of the Xmas tree in more detail. Ignore the Taz, that's years old. But check out all the cool babies first xmas decs. The snowman and bear with his name on, the blue elephant saying "Its a boy", the middle dangly saying "babies first Christmas" and the 1st Christmas bauble.