Well our first Christmas with Joshua was amazing, despite the little man only being 2 months old and not really understanding what was going in - having a child made our Christmas wonderfully special. I thoroughly enjoyed opening all of Joshua's presents and then enjoyed even more playing the Dad role of building and assembling all the toys etc. as you would expect for Joshie's first Xmas, he has been spoilt beyond belief by all friends and family - and now my only dilemma is where to store everything!
Christmas dinner was slightly interrupted as Josh obviously got the hunger bug with the smell of the turkey and decided he needed a feed literally just as dinner was dished up! So as usual it was a cold/rushed dinner for me and Tina. Next year should be better as the little dude will be joining us at the dining table in his fancy new high chair which Dad and Diane bought. Anyway loads of fab pictures for you all to enjoy.
PS Don't forget to leave your comments for Joshua on this blog. All blog entries are being printed off into his scrap book and your comments get attached the the entries and make it even more special.

Now that's what I call a Xmas cracker!

Here's Joshua in his little reindeer costume.

This is what I call finger Licking good!

Here are all Joshua's present under the Christmas tree.

And this is little Santa having a super stretch.

Here are just some of Daddies (I mean Joshua's) new toys.

This is a picture if little Master Santa (Joshua) with little Miss Santa Clause (Mia) and their great Nan and Uncle Steven.

Just a cute picture of baby Santa with one of his new rattles.
First attempt at sitting in his new high chair, not a happy bunny at first.

This is Joshua's new kick and drive toy from Uncle Steven and Joshua's great Nan. He seems to be fascinated by this and has no problem making all the electronic noises by kicking it.

Here's Daddy fulfilling his new role as a parent by assembling endless amounts of babies toys.

Who needs babies chairs, I want to sit in the big boys chair!
Me and Joshie pulling a Xmas cracker.

More kick and drive.......
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