Joshua also really enjoys his white chocolate from his advent calendar. Unfortunately Tina does not like white chocolate so I have the burden I melting small bits on my tongue and then feeding them to the little boy (such is life). Its become part of our evening ritual now to sit on the bean bag and chomp away at some white chocolate together. But check out the advent calendar below which we bought for Joshua, how cool is that (PS the rest of the boxes are on the other side of the train in case you thought we short changed him with only 12 days of Xmas advent).
The little man is also starting to hold his head up unassisted and have a good look around - he loves looking at the Christmas decorations and lights. This is really noticeable when you have the little man sitting on your lap to try and wind him - his little head is bobbing all over the place. Speaking of decorations though, Auntie Lisa has been creative with Joshua and created his first Xmas decoration for Mum and Dad (see below). How cool is this from an 8 week old. Could we have a budding young Picasso in the making.
The other good news is that Tina's Mum finally managed to get hold of the piggy bank we have wanted for Joshua for ages (see below). Now to start filling it. All donations welcome.
Anyway Monday will be the next major update as the little man is off for his first set of injections and also for his next weighing. God help that nurse if she hurts my little boy with that needle!!!
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