Well yesterday I had one of my worst experiences since Joshua was born over 7 weeks ago. I was clipping his toe nails before his bath and accidentally nipped his big toe. Joshua was very brave and didn't even cry, but there seemed to be loads of blood. I felt absolutely terrible afterwards, to think I hurt my poor little boy and drew his first blood. Luckily we had some tiny baby plasters to hand. So nail clipping duty is now over to Tina........
Speaking of hands Joshua has started to realise he has hands and often can be seen playing with his hands (as evident in the picture below). Or maybe he is just checking all his fingers are still there in case Dad has accidentally cut any off with the toe nail clippers!

Joshua also now gives off frequent smiles and even the odd laugh (or what appears to be a laugh). I may be biased, but this is just one of the most beautiful things you will ever see - his first smiles (not easy to catch on camera though).

There's no David Copperfield trick photography in this picture. This is Joshua laying with an elephant sitting on him!

Daddy is now trying to teach Joshua to grab and hold things. Today a yellow rattle - tomorrow a dumbbell!

Joshua and Daddy now fight over who gets to power nap on the bean bag (Joshua seems to win!).

Like my hat..........

When I grow up I want to be a race car driver.........

Its been another long tiring day..................time for a nap.
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