The word immunisation sounds bad - and today I found out why. Poor Joshua had to go for his first set of injections which protect him from
Hib and
PCV. The brave man had one injection into each thigh and I didn't envy him one bit when I saw the size of the needle. In comparison to his little legs it would be the equivalent of someone sticking a javelin into your thigh! But being a tough little King he just shrugged it off with a little cry and then went back to sleep. When we got home he had 2.5ml of
Calpol just to make sure his temperature does not rise and to stop any pain. The nurse who administered the immunisations is also doing well, she was rushed off to A&E for hurting my little boy but should be out in time to see Christmas!
We also took Joshua back to the Health Clinic for a weigh-in today and he is now a whopping 11lb 10oz (so nearly a pound weight gain from his last weigh-in). The increased weight explains why he now hardly fits into the moses basket part of his travel system (see picture below).

Daddy has now got Joshua exercising at every opportunity. Here's the little man doing his two armed chest expansions using the toy caterpillar that Auntie
Shahinah bought him. One rep....

Two that enough yet Dad or have I got to do more.

And just when Joshua had finished his chest expansions - it was into his gym for some lying one arm rows with the caterpillar.

PS Did you notice the nice blue knitted jumper he is wearing - this is one of the many knitted by Joshua's Great Gran.
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