Not much to update the blog with this week. I have been a bit busy and have not given the blog much thought to be honest. Anyway Joshua had had a good week at the nursery (apart from having another bout of conjunctivitis!) and has been doing some more painting, playing in sand and having his photo taken by a photographer. He has also been swimming with Daddy twice this week after finishing work. On Thursday when I picked him up he did the most adorable thing ever. I picked him up to give him a cuddle and he placed his head on my shoulder for a hug. This was nice enough, but then I went on to talk to one of the staff to discuss his eating, sleep, nappies etc for the day. Because I was talking to her and not paying him any attention he put his hand on the side of my face, physically pulled my head around and gave me a big slobbery kiss!!!
We have also decided this week to try teaching Joshua some very basic sign language as I have read that babies can pick this up much quicker than verbal communication and it obviously helps out with understanding their needs. So we are trying a few signals for food, drink, sleep, going in the car and that kind of thing. I will keep you posted if he picks up on any of them and starts using them.
Finally here are some pictures of the little guy in his new Halloween costume - meet Count Dracula Junior!!!! Thanks to Nanny & Grandad for buying the costume for Joshua's first night out trick or treating. Be afraid, be very afraid. He may not bite you to death, but he will have a good go at kissing you to death.

And here are the spoils for one nights work, not bad eh!