Sunday 5 October 2008

Lanzarote Day 6

Day 6 of the holiday started with a 15 min cab ride into town for a bit of shopping. Not much to buy really other than the usual tourist stuff and a few bits for Joshua and J2. On route we passed some kiddies rides and Joshua had a go on this Formula 1 car - as you can see from the piccie he absolutely loved it.

After a trip into town and a spot of lunch, we headed down to the beach in the afternoon and as you can see Dad was successful in his secret mission to purchase a bucket and spade set the previous day.

"Mum, I caught a fish in the sea!"

"Right come on Dad, its time to fill this bucket with some water - off we go".

Below is another classic shot of Joshua at the restaurant in the evening. As anyone with children will know we had to take it in shifts eating whilst one person fed Joshua. On this occasion he had finished his meal but both me and Tina wanted some desert. So to keep him happy we gave him his spoon to play with whilst we finished off our meal.

After the meal Joshua stopped off for a quick boogie and to check out the girlies at the little toddler mini disco.

Don't forget to check back tomorrow for the Day 7 updates. These include some rare pictures of all 3 (4) of us, along with Joshua on pool patrol and after a weeks long training - the King JJ Sand Castle.

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