Saturday 4 October 2008

Lanzarote Day 5

Well on Day 5 of holiday the weather turned a little cooler which was the ideal opportunity to explore outside the resort on foot as we headed over to Rancho Texas. So as promised yesterday here are some pictures which differ a little from the last few days pool shots.

After about a 20-25 minute walk we arrive at the Rancho Texas Theme Park. Joshie pulls a quick "cock his leg out to the side" type pose in his push chair.

The first animal we saw just happened to be one of my favourites (second only to sharks) - Yes its the big crocs.

After the crocs we very quickly came upon the sea lions. Joshua absolutely loved watching these and had a real good chuckle. He fell asleep through the entire sea lion show (luckily Dad was recording it on video for him) but he woke up just in time to get his picture taken with a sea lion.

Dad and Joshue checked out some new ideas for the loft conversion on the house back home. Forget dormas, we are now thinking two wigwams on the roof!

This parrot wanted to get up close and personal with Joshua and came and sat on our table as we arrived for the parrot show.

We then sampled a new mode of transport - could this be the next replacement for the C-Max?

Joshua wasn't happy with sitting in the carriage and wanted to have a horse ride instead.

Now this is more like it - a proper station wagon. Just imagine how much luggage and child seats we can fit in the back of one of these.

How about this for a water wheel!

This was the very impressive white tiger exhibit. In this shot you can just about see one of the tigers sitting down by the back wall.

Joshua started to feel like one of these tortoises after a few hours in the theme park. Just like them, Joshua was also carrying a big lump around on his back!

In the evening I managed to get out for a nice run along the beach. My secret mission during this run was to try and pick up a nice bucket and spade set for Joshua's trip to the beach tomorrow. Don't forget to check in to see more shots from the hols.

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