Today Joshua had his 1 year health check and passed with flying colours. The health visitor was pleased with his progress and commented about how lively he was and the fact that he was walking already. She gave him some real basic tests like picking up a wooden block and a small piece of screwed up paper which didn't tax the little man one bit. He's already putting shapes into holes/slots at home so he was well beyond this stage of development. Apparently he is a very tall baby with not much fat. His height is the 95th percentile, head measurement 50th percentile and weight is just below this. He has lost a tiny bit of weight from last time he was weighed, but the health visitor was not worried about this as we explained he had been ill for 3 days on holiday and not eating much. As part of this health check Joshua was also given some new books for Daddy to read to him.
Anyway Day 4 of the holiday. Well Joshua started to eat finally and had stopped vomiting every time he had his milk/water, so with a little less to worry about it was time to start getting on with the holiday. As you can see from below by Day 4 Joshua was well and truly mobile in the baby pool and pretty much did his own thing.

Forget Johnny Depp in Pirates of the Caribbean. Check out this Pirate JJ - this picture really reminds me of that scene in ET where there are walking around with ET on Halloween with the sheet thrown over him dressed as a ghost. "JJ Phone Home.........."

Before venturing to the beach me and Joshua went into a little children's play area where we could get him used to playing in the sand (and hopefully learn that sand does not taste very nice!). The task in hand was to teach the little boy the fine art of building sand castles - well I built them and Josh destroyed them actually. First though it was time for a swing.

"Right son, the first thing we do is fill the bucket and then pat the sand down nice and compact".

"Then we turn the bucket upside down and hey presto, we have us a sand castle".

And once built - this was the little man's cue to start the destruction!

During the holiday Joshua has had a habit of poking his tongue out - I finally managed to get it on camera with this cheeky little shot.
That evening in the restaurant the staff had made this pretty amazing pirate ship out of melons. They must have know that Pirate JJ was coming to eat tonight.
However the little guy was more interested in playing peek-a-boo behind his bib!

On Day 5 we had a break from the pool and the hotel completely. So check out tomorrows blog update for some really cool pictures from Rancho Texas.
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