As I sit here using my cordless mouse I can now confirm that Brandon is also officially cordless!!!!!!! Yes his cord dropped off a few days ago - this makes the bathing and nappy changes a bit easier. We have been joking that Joshua's cord stayed on a bit too long and overcharged the little fellow. If there was a race off between him and the energiser bunny then my money would be on Josh. He just doesn't slow down from 6am to 7pm!!!!!
Today we took Joshua and Brandon out for a little spin in their new twin buggy. We only went to the health center in order to get Joshua weighed. The little guy weighed in at a whopping 24lb 14oz which was over a 2lb weight increase. This has jumped him up a couple of curves on the growth chart and confirms my recent suspicion about his growth spurt.
Here's Tina pushing the two boys along. Joshua is "Me" and Brandon is "You".

Since you cannot see Brandon in the above picture then here is a close-up of his outdoor experience. Whilst I am talking about Brandon - how many of you know the meaning of the name? Well there is some argument about whether it is an old Irish or English name. But the most common meaning I can find is either "Prince" or "Brave". It is also referenced to a location of a hill which seems to have various names depending on where you look. So I will just call him my brave little prince. King by name, prince by nature.

We have also found a new favourite food of Joshua. Forget chicken bites, cheese sticks, white chocolate, yogurt covered raisins etc.etc. He is obsessed with chipates. Once a week we tend to cook a curry and rice and if we show him the chipates then he will not touch any of his dinner. He gets really excited at the site of them. So we have to hide them until he has eaten most of his dinner and then show them to him.
Finally for today here is a little snap of Joshua learning how to build with his mega blocks.