Since yesterday was Superbowl Sunday Joshua decided that staying up all night was not an option (despite Brandon keeping everyone awake). So instead he opted for a bit of American Football practice in the living room.

"Hud 21.............go long!"

Joshua continues to go about his normal daily business. He is well aware of another baby living in the house now and happily gives his little brother kisses. Below is a little snap of the two boys playing - well Joshua playing and Brandon trying to sleep in his bouncer chair.

Sleeping beauty. No more words needed to describe this picture..........

Me and my boys........... Joshua's nice rosey red cheeks where he is still teething.

We need to thank everyone for all the lovely gifts and cards that Brandon has received. It has been really nice that people have also bought something for Joshua so that he does not feel left out and get jealous of his little brother. Today Brandon got his first mail in the post- a parcel addressed to "Master B King" full of lovely gifts from Auntie Lorraine and Uncle Duncan (see below). It seemed weird seeing mail turn up for a Master B King - kind of sinks in that there is now another person living in the house.
Me and Tina had a bet as to who would be first to supply Brandon with his first soft toy from the Build A Bear Factory. Well we were both right in guessing Lisa and Dave would be the culprits. After much thought they presented the newest family member with the golf build a bear shown below. I might have to pinch the Teddy's t-shirt as it looks like it will fit Brandon just fine!!!!
Finally on route to nursery this morning Joshua managed to take his first steps in snow. He was a bit unsure at first but soon enjoyed leaving footprints all over the front garden.
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