Can you believe that little Brandon is 3 weeks old today???? How quick has that gone. The little guy is doing really well although he is still keeping us awake nearly all night. Between Brandon and Joshua it seems like 50% of the day is spent changing nappies at the moment. Mine and Tina's hands are becoming very sore where we are washing them so much!!!
Anyway here is a nice picture of Brandon having a bit of play time.
Joshua seems to enjoy playing with all his old toys which we have resurrected for Brandon. Ironically he never used to like playing in this ring when he was younger. However now that Brandon uses it, suddenly he wants to start playing in it!!
Here's Brandon in his car seat getting ready for another trip outside.
Mummy and her boys.................

Daddy and his boys................

Today at nursery Joshua has been a bit of a cheeky boy and has been caught on several occasions biting and pulling hair. I have to put my hands up for the hair pulling because I do not mind Joshua playing rough with me, so when he is climbing on me at home I often let him pull my hair, nose etc.etc. But I guess I need to clamp down on that and make him be a bit more gentle. We thought the biting had gone away since he got bitten back at nursery, however this week he started doing it again. So this weekends objective is to teach him that biting is naughty and to stop him from hair pulling.
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